An appeal from the Treasurer,
Michael Constable
With no entrance charge, donations are always important to the upkeep of this church.
In 2024 and 2025, the St Andrew’s team are committed to fundraising and organising the work to complete urgent roof and building repairs. This will involve the complete reroofing of the south and east slopes of St Andrew’s in summer 2025. As an important listed heritage building at the heart of the medieval village of Castle Combe, this is a huge undertaking, and we need the support of everyone who cares about making this happen. It will ensure the continued safe use and enjoyment of this beautiful church for another century.
We are extremely grateful to those who consider how they can help St Andrew’s and local heritage. Whatever and however you choose to give – thank you.
Donations can be made in the church or...
You can make a quick donation to St Andrew’s Church by text or bank transfer as follows:
~ by text – text BYBROOK5 to 70085 to donate £5 or text BYBROOK10 to 70085 donate £10, plus the cost of one standard rate message.
~ by bank transfer – our details are: sort code: 09-01-54, account no. 58353280, account name PCC of Castle Combe, reference (your name).
Please email Michael Constable at to let us know of a donation by bank transfer and to let us know if you would like to add gift aid to your donation.
If you would prefer to donate by cheque, please send it to the Treasurer, Michael Constable, at the following address:
Palm Cottage
Upper Castle Combe
Wilts, SN14 7HD

If you are considering leaving a legacy to St Andrew’s in your Will or if you would like to set up a regular planned giving arrangement, please contact Michael either by email or post using the details above.

If you can, please Gift Aid your donation using the following declaration with your donation and send it to the Treasurer by email or post:
“I want to Gift Aid the donation I have just made online/by cheque to the Parochial Church Council of St Andrew’s Church, Castle Combe for St Andrew’s Church, Castle Combe.
I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax that the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.”
[Name and address]