Farewell to Anjali

Anjali's farewell

On Sunday November 19th we gathered for our Morning Praise Service which was to be the final time Anjali would be leading us in worship. Although we shall miss her hugely, we are all delighted for her that she has been appointed Priest-in-Charge of The Benefice of South Severnside with a joint role for the Diocese as Co-ordinator for Racial Justice.

During the past three years Anjali has become part of ourselves, St Andrew’s and our community, and with her warm disposition she has radiated her faith, compassion, and kindness through her ministry in services and through other events in the church.

We sent her on her way with our love and some gifts that she and her family can enjoy in the days to come, knowing that SHE will be a true gift to her new benefice including St Mary’s Almondsbury.

Thank you Anjali so much from us all.

The team at St Andrew’s.