
St Andrew's News

Download our most recent newsletter - February 25 - here:

(previous newsletters can be downloaded from the list on the right)

Farewell to Anjali

On Sunday November 19th we gathered for our Morning Praise Service which was to be the final time Anjali would be leading us in worship. Although we shall miss her hugely, we are all delighted for her that she has been appointed Priest-in-Charge of The Benefice of South Severnside with […]

Heritage Open Days 2023

On Friday 15th and Saturday 16th September, a team of St Andrew’s volunteers welcomed visitors to the church and were on hand to answer questions about the church and village and also highlight the special creative displays and activities in the church as a participant in the nationwide Heritage Open […]

St Andrew’s on Saturday September 9th welcomed “Riders and Striders” passing through Castle Combe. Being one of the hottest days of the year they were pleased to pause for a while in the coolness of the church and enjoy the refreshments provided. The photo shows the group of walkers (with […]

Over the Bank Holiday weekend at the start of June, St Andrew’s celebrated the Coronation with a special service on Sunday 7th May for the village and visitors, followed by a buffet lunch in the church. Michael and Sally Constable created a popular display about King Charles III, which remained […]